Payment Options

Credit Card, Wire Transfer, Mobile Payment, PayTR
You can also make your payments without coming to Evgör. All across Turkey

Kuvveyt Türk İş BankasıZiraat BankasıGaranti Bankasıemlakkatılım.png (9 KB)
You can see its branches as Evgör's branches.

You can pay your installments without paying any transfer fees before you come to our store.
The name of the Bank Branch name IBAN No Branch No Account number Money
Kuveyt Türk Kasımpaşa TR12 0020 5000 0061 8936 1000 10 329 6189361-10 TL
Garanti Kasımpaşa TR31 0006 2000 0930 0006 2993 63 93 6299363 TL
İş Bankası Kasımpaşa TR13 0006 4000 0011 0301 0558 62 1030 1055862 TL
Ziraat Bankası Kasımpaşa TR94 0001 0006 2856 7288 9950 01 628 56728899-5001 TL
Emlak Katılım Mecidiyeköy TR36 0021 1000 0005 7266 9000 01 53 572669-1 TL
Emlak Katılım Swift Code: EMLATRIS
Kuveyt Turk Bank Swift Code: KTEFTRISXXX
Recipient Account Name: EV GÖR Mobilya Tekstil San. ve Tic. Ltd. Şti.
Secure Payment with Credit Card

  • Great Opportunity from Evgör. Do not miss this opportunity! We offer 9 monthly installments to 18 credit cards of 7 banks. You can pay your payments securely with 256-bit SSL on our website. Banks we have agreements with; Garanti Bank, Akbank; Yapıkredi Bank, Kuveyt Türk, İş Bank, Finans Bank, Emlak Katilim. Click for the Security Page. If you wish, you can make your payments through our Payment System. Click for payment system.
  • Secure Payment with Credit Card
Great Discounts for Paying Cash

  • In your cash payments, you can take advantage of special offers or campaigns that will be offered to you according to the type of product purchased. You can benefit from discounts of up to 20% in cash payments and have more affordable products. You can make your payments from our stores. Click for store contact information.
  • Great Discounts for Paying Cash
Payment by Phone

  • For your product purchases, you can call our store and pay by credit card over the phone through our sales representatives. Click to make a payment using the Online Payment Tool. You can make your payment securely on our page, which is protected with 256 Bit SSL.
  • Payment by Phone
Flexible Payment

  • You can create multiple credit card, money order or cash payment options according to your budget without being stuck with the limit of only one credit card in your payments. You can pay your payments either from our stores, through a secure payment tool or by bank transfer. Please inform your sales representative of your payment.
  • Flexible Payment
Prepared by  T-Soft E-Commerce.