Evgor Career

Our aim as Evgor Mobilya in a safe, stable, solid, constantly developing structure that uses the best technology; Our aim is to provide resources for our employees to improve themselves both personally and professionally, and to provide a working environment that will enable them to use their existing potential at the highest level.

Evgor Performance and Talent Method
Evgor Performance and Talent Management is a process that aims to reveal the successful business results, behavior and high performance of our employees in accordance with the corporate culture and values.

This process consists of 4 steps;
  • Goal Setting
  • Interim Evaluation
  • Behavior Model Evaluation
  • Performance and Talent Management processes, consisting of Performance Evaluation and Talent Management steps, are operated.

    With the Goal Setting Process, employees are directed to the right goals in line with the company's goals. During the goal setting process, it is important to determine goals that distinguish those who make a difference and show individual contribution. Review the goals we set at the beginning of the year during the Interim Evaluation Period. The Interim Evaluation Period is also an important opportunity for us to receive feedback on our performance and behaviors. During the Behavior Model Evaluation process, we are evaluated by our manager, team, customer and peers within the framework of the Behavior Model determined in line with Evgor Values.

    With this application, we receive multi-faceted, open and constructive feedback, determine our strong and developmental areas. With development planning, we reinforce our strong aspects and aim to improve our developmental areas. During the Goal Evaluation period, my goals are evaluated objectively. During the Talent Management process, our Behavior Model Evaluation and performance results and our future potentials are evaluated, and the talents that make a difference between us are determined.

This is What You Get an Award for
We applaud our colleagues who make a difference at the "Evgor Monthly Evaluation Meetings" held every month. Our employees are nominated for awards in two ways;
First; With the implementation of the idea conveyed through the "I Have a Great Idea" application, our colleagues who both have the idea and realize the idea are deemed worthy of an award.
Second; Our colleagues who have a work that makes a difference or who have exemplary behaviors that live our values ​​are nominated for awards.

Prepared by  T-Soft E-Commerce.